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Anti Counterfeiting Inspection



If you encounter a bad business selling fake or forged g-wolves mouse, please directly complain with the sales platform and get multiple compensation from the sales platform. Recently, we found that there are a large number of unauthorized dealers selling fake g-wolves products on Amazon. We can only guarantee that the products we produce are authentic products sold by the following authorized dealers. Other products that are not authorized for sale are likely to be counterfeit products. We will not provide quality assurance services for the counterfeit products sold by these illegal dealers. Please purchase carefully! If you encounter difficulties, please let us know in time. We can provide you with supporting materials and help as much as possible. Please take up the legal weapon to protect yourself. Don't let fake products hurt your family. G-wolves is with you on the way to fight against counterfeits.
Reporting method: support@g-wolves.com
        Beijing JingYunMaKe Technology Co., Ltd
                         February 20, 2020

A1.   View Authorized Distributor   CLICK!

If you buy a product from an unauthorized distributor, it is likely that the product you bought is fake.

Caution!!!EU gaming and HKgaming are not authorized distributors of our company.

We cannot provide after-sales service for fakes!!!

Fake goods may bring security risks to you and your family, and even affect your health!!!

A2.    What about fake G-Wolves on Amazon?




A3.    If you have already bought a fake G-Wolves mouse on Amazon, please do not hesitate to seek help from Amazon as soon as possible. With their help, you can claim a ten-fold fine from the fake seller and get back your money and safety!

Click here for help.


G-Wolves will thank you for helping us and gamers around the world to do justice!

On the way to counterfeiting, G-Wolves is always with you.

We also hope that through hard work, we can bring more and better products to gamers all over the world.


Help you get your money back!




